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``We’re here to support your journey to optimal health, so that you can live your best life``

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Whole Naturopathy / Nutrition (Page 2)
Vitamin D for immune system

Vitamin D for a strong immune system

The most important role of vitamin D is putting calcium into our bones. But it also has other roles such as regulating our immune systems. Vitamin D is involved in the regulation of both the innate immune system (general defence) and the acquired immune system (specific targeted defence), as well as having a role in regulating inflammation. Studies have shown that higher levels of vitamin D are associated with reduced disease, including respiratory infections. A blood test for Vitamin D gives a reference range of 50-250 nmol/L, with the lower end of this range set in order to prevent osteoporosis (spontaneous spinal fractures). Whilst vitamin D levels above 50nmol/L does prevent osteoporosis, optimal health is found in levels between 100-150nmol/L. Our bodies make vitamin D with exposure...

gut and immune

Your digestion is key to your immune system

Whilst these systems may seem unrelated, they are actually closely linked. From a naturopathic view, a healthy digestive system is essential for all other aspects of health. After all, it is where all nutrients required to build and repair your body are absorbed, as well as where most metabolic waste products are excreted. Leaky Gut (Intestinal Hyperpermeability) You may have heard of the term “leaky gut”. It is a condition in which the tight gaps between the intestinal walls are increased to allow substances other than nutrients, electrolytes, and water to enter the blood supply. The immune system is then activated to eliminate these substances which are toxic (when outside the digestive system), and a continual supply of these over time, results in a state of chronic...

period pain

It’s that time of the month

With International Women’s Day on Tuesday 8th March, now is a good time to talk about periods. Having a positive mindset about your cycle can help reduce some of the negative emotions around it. Know that this can be a time to deal with emotions gathered over the last month and a chance to give yourself time for nurture and rest. Whilst every woman’s cycle has it’s differences, a normal cycle is 28 days (give or take 7 days), last for 4-7 days (give or take 2 days), and loss should be 30ml-80ml (although this can be hard to measure). If your cycle is not within these parameters, or you experience the following, you should see your doctor: Cramping that lasts more than a few days,...

healthy lunchbox ideas

Back to school – back to lunches

In the house of any school aged kids, back to school means back to making lunches. What is in that lunch is important, as food gives kids the energy and focus they need for the day. I am surprised to hear from my kids just how many of their peers eat packets of artificially coloured and flavoured foods which are high in energy but low in nutrients. These food additives have been linked to attention issues1, and the refined carbohydrate give a surge of energy, followed by a slump. For me, parenting seems to be a balance of my own ideas combined with that of my kids' peers, so I do use some packets in the lunchbox: plain popcorn, seaweed, a low sugar muesli bar (such...
