
Welcome to Whole Naturopathy

``We’re here to support your journey to optimal health, so that you can live your best life``

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0493 294 159

Suite 1, 53/1880 Ferntree Gully Rd, Mountain Gate Shopping Centre, Ferntree Gully, Victoria



Prediabetes (insulin resistance)

Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes (insulin resistance) are both a function of impaired glucose metabolism. The disease is usually driven by a combination of genetics, diet, and lifestyle, although it could just be one of these. If the disease is not bought under control, it can cause significant health issues.

Often the dietary advise given is outdated, and has been proven to be ineffective at best, and harmful at worst.

The good news is, that a disease that is driven by diet and lifestyle, can also be improved with diet and lifestyle, and when paired with natural medicines, even better results can be seen.

As a naturopath, I take the time to understand the full effect that the disease is having on you, as well is looking into what has caused the problem. Your individual treatment will target the cause, as well as your current signs and symptoms.

Safety is of prime importance, and all natural products prescribed are checked for interactions with any medication you may be taking.

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natural treatments for diabetes