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Author: Kathryn Messenger

Whole Naturopathy / Articles posted by Kathryn Messenger (Page 2)
Nutritional support for alcoholic fatty liver disease

What is Fatty Liver Disease?

Historically, Fatty Liver Disease (FLD) was associated with excessive alcohol consumption, but now has evolved into two distinct categories: Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD) and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Next month, I’ll delve into NAFLD, but for now, here’s the breakdown of ALFD. Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD) AFLD was first seen in prolonged alcohol abuse, where the liver struggles to metabolise the excessive intake of alcohol. This led to the accumulation of fat, impairing liver function and paving the way for inflammation. This is diagnosed with a blood test, but usually if you have FLD, you will find that you don’t metabolise alcohol well and will take a longer time to recover after drinking than your friends, or than you used to. You may also...


Beat the Sugar Cravings

Maybe it’s too many parties over Christmas and New Year, or maybe you’ve been struggling with this for a while. One thing for sure is that sugar is addictive, and it can be really hard to say no. Sugar addiction Have you ever noticed the difference between your cravings for sugar compared to naturally sweet products? The sugar craving seems to be insatiable, whilst with honey or dried fruit, you get to a point where you just don’t enjoy it anymore and so you stop eating it. This is because sugar has been stripped of the vitamins and minerals found in natural sugar cane which means you not only miss out on those nutrients, but you also miss out on the natural mechanism that helps you to...


Setting Realistic Goals for a Great Year

As we find ourselves in 2024, it's the perfect time to reflect on the past and look ahead to a fresh start. One of the most meaningful gifts you can give yourself is the commitment to a healthier and more fulfilling life. Along with the common goal of weight loss, think about embracing a lifestyle that nurtures your well-being. So, let's embark on this journey together, with a positive mindset. Define Your Why Understanding the reasons behind your health goals is essential for long-term success. Ask yourself why these goals matter to you. It could be improving your energy levels, reducing stress, longevity, or simply feeling more confident in your own skin. Your "why" will be your anchor during challenging times, reminding you of the greater purpose...

Calm christmas

A Calmer Christmas

The lead-up to Christmas can be a whirlwind of activity, shopping, planning, and celebrations. While it’s an exciting time for kids, being the parent who is often reminded of the countdown and just how few days they have left to get through the never-ending list, can be overwhelming and stressful. Finding ways to stay calm and maintain a balanced lifestyle is crucial to enjoy both the traditions of this special time of year and your family. Here are some tips for remaining calm and healthy as you navigate the bustling days before Christmas. Prioritise Self-Care In the midst of shopping for gifts, decorating, and preparing meals, it's easy to neglect self-care. However, taking time for yourself is essential for mental and physical health. Incorporate short breaks into...


Cholesterol – friend or foe?

Cholesterol plays a vital role in our bodies, serving as an essential part of our cell membranes and helping to regulate various bodily functions. It acts like a building material, providing structural integrity to cell walls and allowing them to function properly. Additionally, cholesterol is essential for the production of hormones like estrogen and testosterone, and fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin D, which control various bodily processes, including growth and reproduction. So, without cholesterol, our cells would not be able to maintain their integrity, and we wouldn't have the necessary hormones to keep our bodies functioning correctly. HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) and LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) are two types of cholesterol carriers in your bloodstream, each with distinct roles, and are seen as the following. HDL cholesterol is often called...

Nutritional naturopath weight loss

Don’t just lose weight for the summer, lose it for life!

So often the quick fix, magic bullet answers also have a quick undo, or just can’t be sustained long term. In terms of health, a slow steady change that lasts is much better than a quick fix that doesn’t. So often people go on very restrictive or low-calorie diets and whilst the number on the scales may look great for a little while, it’s not something that works long-term. One of the first changes that can make a big difference, not only to weight loss, but also to all areas of health, is to increase your protein intake. Protein is required for repair of all cells in your body, and low protein meals can leave you feeling hungry afterwards. Try to have some protein with every...

Iron levels

Trouble getting your iron levels within range?

With some iron supplements people are left choosing between being exhausted or being constipated, neither of which are good for your health. Others opt for regular iron infusions, and whilst these can be great when your levels are very low, for most people, there are other ways to increase absorption of the important nutrient. The role of Iron Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to tissues and organs. Oxygen is required for the functioning of all cells, and a lack of supply to muscles and cells can result in feelings of fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. What causes low iron? Iron deficiency occurs either through inadequate intake, or excessive blood loss. As a result, the body struggles to...


Awake – wrestling with the restlessness

Insomnia includes trouble initiating sleep, maintaining sleep or early waking. It could be debilitating, or maybe it just affects your ability to function. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, whilst only 15% of Australia adults the symptoms of clinical insomnia, over half of us suffer from sleep symptoms which affects quality of life. Primary insomnia is caused by a range of issues such as HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis hyperarousal usually as a result of chronic stress; circadian rhythm abnormalities; GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) dysregulation; and other excitatory pathways. Secondary insomnia is as a result of medical conditions, medications, and dugs (including alcohol, coffee and nicotine). If you’re too switched on when you hit the pillow, try the following before going to bed: Don’t drink caffeinated drinks after midday Talk to...

Long Covid

Long Covid

It may come as a surprise, but post-viral syndrome is not a new health issue. If you’ve lived a few decades, you may remember in the 1980’s and 90’s, that chronic fatigue was the term used to describe the long-term exhaustion which was usually caused by the Epstein Barr virus. Studies at the time found that muscle function, attention and memory were severely hampered, although the cause was largely unknown. Similarly, whilst there are a range of long Covid symptoms such as neurological, digestive, cardiovascular and autoimmune disturbances, for most people, fatigue is what has the greatest effect on the ability to function normally. As the term chronic fatigue suggests, the fatigue lasted for months after the initial viral infection. This obviously has an enormous impact on...


Get on top of the flu season

As we head into winter, we find ourselves once again in the cold/flu season, although from what I have seen, it has begun earlier this year. Whilst words like “virus”, “immune”, and “COVID” or “COVID-19” still invoke a stress response in most of us, the truth is that we will likely be more aware of viruses than we used to be for many years to come. Like all viruses, the covid-19 virus mutates over time which prevents the body from recognising the virus and fighting it more effectively. For this reason, some people find themselves being infected a second or third time, and it’s no less severe than the first time. There are also other seasonal viruses that do not test positive to a Covid test. Whether it’s...
