Beat the Sugar Cravings
Maybe it’s too many parties over Christmas and New Year, or maybe you’ve been struggling with this for a while. One thing for sure is that sugar is addictive, and it can be really hard to say no.
Sugar addiction
Have you ever noticed the difference between your cravings for sugar compared to naturally sweet products? The sugar craving seems to be insatiable, whilst with honey or dried fruit, you get to a point where you just don’t enjoy it anymore and so you stop eating it. This is because sugar has been stripped of the vitamins and minerals found in natural sugar cane which means you not only miss out on those nutrients, but you also miss out on the natural mechanism that helps you to say “no”.
The empty carbohydrate
Carbohydrates are a great form of energy and particularly important for kids as they grow, or for those that are active. But not all carbohydrates are equal. Fruit and vegetables also contain high amounts of energy, but have the added benefits of vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Since unused carbohydrates are stored as body fat, there is little to gain by using sugar as an energy source, and there are so many other negative effects of sugar on your health.
Is your gut bacteria working against you?
Along with fruit and vegetables, wholegrains and legumes are also energy sources that contain minerals and fibre. These foods give both the energy you need to function as well as the added benefits of these nutrients. What’s interesting is that the fibre here acts as a fuel for the beneficial bacteria in your gut, keeping you healthy; but the harmful bacteria actually feeds on sugar and works to increase your sugar cravings.
Going cold turkey
What’s interesting is that once you cut out sugar from your diet, it’s no longer appealing. Your taste buds get used to enjoying naturally sweet foods and sugar just doesn’t taste nice anymore. But getting to that point is where the difficulty lies. If you decide to go ‘cold turkey’, you will likely have around 3 days where your cravings ramp up and your self-control is genuinely tested. If you prefer to take your time and slowly reduce your sugar intake, it will be an easier ride, but it will take longer. Neither way is right or wrong, choose what will work best for you.
Extra support
If you find the temptations all too hard and need some extra support, I have recently put together a list of 15 Ways to Beat Sugar Cravings, and you can download it here.
Or for further information about sugar cravings, see my YouTube video